A lifetime of creativity
June 14, 2024
Barbara Lake, 71, has been resourceful and creative from a very early age. The approach she takes to crafting reflects her broader philosophy on life.
“Doing things with our hands was a family trait,” she explained. “When I was a little girl I wanted pretty clothes but we couldn’t afford them, so I made clothes for my dolls instead. I was very satisfied with that. Later I sewed all my own clothes, even my underwear.”
Barbara showcases her creativity in the unit she shares on Hobart’s eastern shore with her partner and their beloved Maltese-Shi Tzu terrier, Millie. It’s filled with paintings, dolls, finely-drawn ornaments and lace-work made with both bobbins and needles. She is a member of the Australian Lace Guild and one of few people practicing this craft in Tasmania.
Barbara took up doll-making after she lost all her childhood dolls in a house fire.
“It takes around 12 months to make a doll,” she said. “You start off by pouring a mould, then you cut out the eyes and the mouth and between fingers and toes. It’s very delicate work. After you paint the doll you make its clothes, including socks and shoes.”
Barbara worked in administration and reception at Millington’s Funeral Home on Hobart’s eastern shore for almost 20 years. “It was an interesting job and I met a lot of interesting people,” she reflected. Today she enjoys spending time at her family property on the Tasman Peninsula and lunching with friends.
Barbara has a chronic pain condition that means she can’t knit and sew as she used to. Nevertheless she continues to take delight in lace-making and experimenting with new designs for crocheted garments.
I tend to do things a little differently to other people. Early on I taught myself to crochet one-handed, which is a little odd, and I’m still making up new stitches. I’ve always liked a challenge. I’ll play around with something until I work it out. I like doing things that make me think. I just get on with things – whatever life throws at me.
More information
Barbara’s Anglicare service supports her with cleaning, personal care and podiatry as part of a level 2 home care package. Find out more about this service here.
Main picture: Barbara holds one of the many dolls she’s created over the years. She invented the stitching that features in the crocheted jumper she is wearing.
Click on the photos in the gallery below to enlarge them for a closer look.
- Barbara with a needle lace work-in-progress.
- This handmade doll takes pride of place on Barbara’s display cabinet.
- For many years Barbara took painting lessons.
- Millie.