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At the Social Action Research Centre (SARC), we contribute to building a more just Tasmania.
This means we listen, collaborate, research, advocate and educate. We carry out research and work for changes that will reduce poverty and disadvantage.
We listen to the views and experiences of people in local communities. We also hear from frontline workers.
We share what we learn with others – including decision-makers in government. Our research is available free of charge.
Areas of focus:
SARC has high ethical standards for our research. We conduct our research with honesty, integrity and respect.
Anglicare Tasmania seeks approval from a registered Human Research Ethics Committee for all research involving participants.
Major research projects are overseen by a reference group that is consulted about ethical safeguards.
A public health approach to ensure the financial wellbeing of all Tasmanians is essential.
We know through our research and support services that harms to financial wellbeing cost many people their health, relationships, jobs and homes.
Gambling causes significant harm to many Tasmanians. A universal card system for poker machines is an effective measure to reduce harm, and this reform is recommended by Anglicare.
Buy Now Pay Later services are also harming Tasmanians who are vulnerable or on low incomes. We support the regulation of these credit services to reduce harm.
Our research can help government with decisions about policy, systems and services to improve the financial wellbeing of Tasmanians.
The wellbeing of children, young people and their families is important to us.
But in Tasmania, many measures of wellbeing are declining and some children, young people and families are experiencing significant problems. Our research can inform decisions about policy, systems and service improvements to help them.
We believe that everyone has a right to a home.
Housing options for low-income Tasmanians are limited due to a shortage of affordable rentals and social housing in our State.
Homelessness has a significant impact on health and wellbeing. It also affects educational outcomes and makes it harder to find and keep a job.
Our research highlights the importance of affordable housing as essential infrastructure.
Tasmania has an important interest in supporting people to age well at home. About one-fifth of Tasmanians are aged 65 or over, and higher in rural areas.
Our research can help our state with decisions about policy, systems and services for older Tasmanians.