
Donate today

We’re all in this together.

The cost of living crisis has not gone away.  Again this winter, Tasmanians from all walks and stages of life are struggling to afford the basics.

Your gift to the 2024 Anglicare Winter Appeal will support individuals and families who are finding life hard.

We use your donations to provide targeted assistance to people engaged with our services.  It may be paying a winter power bill or rental arrears, purchasing essentials for a new home, covering the cost of an essential education course, stocking a pantry with nutritious food or buying warm clothing for growing children.

Make a Donation

Make a donation



You can make a donation below online or through the GiveNow website.

Donations over $2 are tax deductible.


Direct Deposit

Make a direct deposit, payable to:

Anglicare Tasmania Inc.
BSB 067-000
Account #1076 2575
Reference – Your name and ‘Donation’



You can mail your donation to:

Anglicare Tasmania
Reply Paid 1620
Hobart Tas 7001


Phone Call

You can make a donation over the phone by calling us on 1800 243 232.

Why donate?

At a time when Tasmanians are facing unprecedented cost of living pressures, a donation to Anglicare has the potential to enrich someone’s life.

It enables us to make one-off purchases for our clients that sit outside program funding. It also means that we can support Tasmanians experiencing hardship through the winter months and during the Christmas season.

Here are some recent examples of how we use donations to support people who are using our services:

  • A young person living in one of our Youth2Independence facilities had identified an education pathway that suited their skills, experience and aspirations. A pre-requisite for their chosen course was a first aid certificate, but the student’s budget couldn’t stretch to this extra cost.  Anglicare used donated funds to pay for the certificate, paving the way for a brighter future for the young person.
  • A young person in our Supported Youth Program was experiencing upheaval in their day-to-day life but was determined to stay engaged with school. Anglicare purchased a tent and sleeping bag so that they could attend a school camp alongside their peers.
  • An older Tasmanian moving into a permanent home after a period of homelessness was overjoyed with the donation of some new whitegoods and the payment of their first power bill.
  • A family whose financial circumstances had changed suddenly after the loss of employment had been unable to cover the cost of their rent. A donation that covered the arrears gave them some valuable breathing space and hope that their situation would improve.

Get involved, make a difference

We appreciate your participation and support in working for a just Tasmania.​

Help to make a difference by donating to Anglicare or by volunteering. You can also contact us with ideas, comments and suggestions.

Workplace giving

Your workplace can set up payroll deductions to ensure regular, simple donations to Anglicare. To find out more, please click here to Contact Us.

Australian Charities & Not-for-profit Commission (ACNC)

The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) is the national regulator of charities. They register and regulate Australia’s 57,738 charities.

Their purpose:

  • Help charities understand and meet their obligations through information, advice and guidance.
  • Help the public understand the work of the not-for-profit sector and provide a free searchable database of charities.

Anglicare has been a registered charity since 3 December 2012.

Click here to see Anglicare Tasmania on the register.

ACNC Registered Charity

Wills and bequests

Your legacy can change lives.

Thank you for considering Anglicare Tasmania as you prepare your will. Your bequest will help Tasmanians in need to have choice, professional support and hope.

“I have seen the life changing impact that a bequest donation has on individuals and communities in Tasmania,” says  Anglicare CEO Dr Chris Jones.

By leaving money or other assets by a bequest in your will, you will leave a legacy that supports the work of Anglicare Tasmania into the future.

Contact Chris Jones

Enquire onlineContact us

Please fill in this form and a representative of Anglicare will reply to your message within two working days. Be sure to provide your complete contact details so we can respond to you.

Click the button below to visit our contact page

Contact us

Or, phone us on

1800 243 232