
Rental Affordability Snapshot

Every year since 2007, Anglicare Tasmania’s Social Action and Research Centre (SARC) has analysed the rental market across Tasmania for the Rental Affordability Snapshot.

The Snapshot looks at all properties listed for rent on realestate.com.au and gumtree.com.au on a weekend at the end of March every year. It then assesses whether each property is affordable and appropriate for 14 types of households on low incomes, including young people, single parents, working families, older people and those dependent on Centrelink benefits.

View all Rental Affordability Snapshots

Rental Affordability Snapshot 2024

Rental affordability at all-time low

Rental affordability for households on income support has fallen to its lowest level since Anglicare Tasmania’s annual survey began 18 years ago.

In response to the findings, Anglicare calls on the Tasmanian government to:

  • reform the Residential Tenancy Act to give tenants greater stability and security;
  • develop a strategy that supports healthy ageing in place; and
  • build more social housing to address failure of affordable private rental market supply.

Rental Affordability Snapshot 2024 cover page image

Download Tasmanian Rental Affordability Snapshot 2024 PDF

Key figures from the 2024 Rental Affordability Snapshot

0% of properties advertised were affordable and suitable for the 72095 Tasmanians receiving the Age Pension if they were seeking a place of their own, the 21225 Tasmanians receiving JobSeeker allowance if they are single, the 4580 Tasmanians receiving Youth Allowance, the 28,105 Tasmanians receiving Disability Support Pension if relying soley on that payment, the 8385 Tasmanian families relying on Single Parenting Payment.