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Throughout the month we will be encouraging the community to reach out for support and find ways to take back control.
Anglicare will be talking about the nature of gambling, the wide-reaching impact of gambling harm, share some hopeful personal stories of recovery and provide information on help that is available.
Each week focuses on a different theme. We will be providing information, holding special events and promoting the free support services available to Tasmanians.
This week we recognise the controlling nature of gambling, the difficulty with recognising the harm it is causing and asking for help.
We will be sharing information related to harms and stigma associated with gambling.
This week we acknowledge the family and friends of people who are experiencing gambling harm and the support that they provide.
We will provide information on the support they have access to and hold events, so they connect with other supporters and hear the stories of other people’s experiences.
This week we will be sharing stories of gambling recovery through information and events.
There will be live events held featuring the Three Sides of the Coin Project.
This week we will promote the free Financial Counselling and Gamblers Help services that we provide to those impacted by gambling harm.
We will be holding free community BBQs at Neighbourhood Houses.
Gamblers Help is funded by the Tasmanian Government through the Department of Premier and Cabinet. Visit the Department of Premier and Cabinet for more information.
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