Call us 1800 243 232
Anglicare Drug and Alcohol Treatment Service (ADATS) is an early intervention and psychosocial community-based program for Tasmanians (14 years and older) who have experienced negative impacts from the use of alcohol and/or other drugs, including tobacco and vaping. ADATS provides an intensive, trauma-informed, personalised service for each individual, and if appropriate, their families and partners.
ADATS can also assist people presenting with alcohol and other drug (AoD) issues who are assessed as also having mental health co-morbidities and/or at risk of homelessness. ADATS can provide prevention and early interventions through community information and education, screening and brief interventions, counselling, case management and relapse prevention support.
ADATS is delivered face-to-face, by telephone, or email offering assertive outreach and counselling, and may be undertaken individually, in family sessions, or client group sessions (SMART Recovery Groups).
To access ADATS you can either self-refer or we can accept referrals from family and carers, community services and general practice, other medical practitioners, allied health professionals, state drug and alcohol and mental health services.
To self-refer call Anglicare’s Alcohol and other Drug Helpline on 1800 161 266 (operates Monday to Friday between 9 am and 5 pm).
ADATS is supported by funding from Tasmania PHN (Primary Health Tasmania) through the Australian Government’s PHN Program.
Screening and brief intervention is most often a single time-limited session where you’ll get information and advice to help motivate you to make changes to your use of alcohol and/or drugs.
Counselling is more intensive treatment over a longer period of time. Counselling will support you to develop a greater understanding of yourself and the role of alcohol and drugs in your life and how you see yourself. Counselling will help you to make positive changes in your alcohol and/or drug use behaviours.
Case management will help you to engage in a range of support services to help improve your quality of life and bring about long lasting change.
If you’ve completed a recovery or rehabilitation program already, aftercare is treatment that helps to minimise the likelihood of lapses and help you get on your feet again through a coordinated approach to support from vocational, financial and other social support services.
It was time to make a change.
I was using all types of drugs – you name it, alcohol, dope, ice – I was using it.
Anglicare is supporting me through all of this and everything else that comes up.
My ADATS worker supports me and everything going on in my life. I really believe that I have the best chance possible now to stay off drugs and get my life in order.
I actually feel that I have hope for the first time in a long time.
*The person’s name has been changed for privacy reasons.