Call us 1800 243 232
The East Coast Counselling Service (ECCS) provides counselling, information, advocacy and advice for people living in the areas of St Helens, Bicheno and the Fingal Valley.
The service provides counselling and support to adults, families, couples and children who may be affected by but not limited to grief, separation, conflict, drugs and alcohol, mental health, family violence, stress and parenting issues.
We provide a range of support including parenting advice, education, community access and skill development.
The aim of the service is to promote healthy lives and relationships.
The service is provided in St Helens or as an outreach in the community.
You can either self-refer or be referred by your GP, other agencies, service providers or allied health professionals.
Contact Anglicare’s Community Engagement Coordinator on 1800 243 232, or email
To find out more information about the East Coast Counselling Service, you can speak with Anglicare’s Community Engagement Coordinator on 1800 243 232
Or you can email our Community Engagement Coordinator at
This program is funded by the Tasmanian Government through the Department of Premier and Cabinet.
Your enquiry will be reviewed and answered within 3 business days.