
Gr8MYnds: mental health info with young people in MYnd!

GR8MYnds logo

Developed in consultation with the Glenorchy Youth Taskforce, this resource is available for free both online as a download for mobile phones or on USB.

Download Gr8MYnds Mobile Resource

Gr8MYnds is a comprehensive and fun interactive mental health resource for young people. It covers a range of different mental health concerns and provides information and advice on how to get the help you need for yourself, or for someone else.

Topics include:

  • depression
  • anxiety
  • cyber bullying
  • eating disorders
  • self-harm


Installation guide

  • PC and Windows phone

    Please Note: that Windows phones may have compatibility issues.

    1. Click on the above Download Gr8MYnds Mobile Resource button
    2. The file will be downloaded to the Downloads folder on your computer
    3. Click on the file to launch the resource
  • Android phone or tablet

    1. Download the Microsoft PowerPoint app from the Google Play Store if not already installed on your phone or tablet.
    2. Once the PowerPoint app is installed, click on the above Download Gr8MYnds Mobile Resource button.
    3. In the devices notification bar (often a black bar across the top of the phone screen) a download symbol will appear
    4. Swipe downward from the notification bar to expand it and see the Gr8MYnds resource being downloaded.
    5. Once finished, the notification should say Download Complete.
    6. Touch the notification and the file should open automatically in the PowerPoint app.
    7. Once the app has been closed, you can re-access the file by opening the PowerPoint app and selecting Gr8MYnds from the Recent Files. It will also be stored in your device under Downloads or Documents.
  • iPhone and iPad

    1. Ensure that your device is running the latest version of iOS to avoid any potential compatibility issues.
    2. Download the Microsoft PowerPoint app from iTunes if not already installed on your device.
    3. Open this page in your default Safari browser and click on the above Download Gr8MYnds Mobile Resource button.
    4. Once the file has opened, click on the share button Image result for iphone share button to open in the PowerPoint app.

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