
Paying the Price of Welfare Reform: the experiences of Anglicare staff and clients in interacting with Centrelink

Animated picture of people trying to climb a number of forever growing obstacles. Some are successful on their own, some are needing help from others. Some are giving up. The person in the wheelchair can't really do anything but watch.

This research examines the experience of accessing and interacting with Centrelink for both clients and staff of Anglicare community service organisations in three different jurisdictions – Southern Queensland, Tasmania and Western Australia. Through a survey and face-to-face interviews, the research explores how their interactions with Centrelink affect their lives and what improvements they would like to see. The key findings of the research explore difficulties in accessing Centrelink, falling through the safety net, and quantifying Anglicare support. The research concludes that although welfare reform may be leading to cost savings for the government, substantial costs are being shifted to vulnerable customers and the community services that support them.

Publication Date: June 2018 Authors: Teresa Hinton Paying the Price of Welfare Reform - Report (pdf)


Paying the price of welfare reform - Research Brief (pdf)

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