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In September 2022, the Tasmanian Government committed to implementing a universal player card gambling system for poker machines. The card, due to be rolled out by December 2025, will deliver on recommendations made by the Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission after extensive research and consultation.
This is a positive action that will reduce harm with minimal impact on people who engage in recreational gambling.
The Tasmanian Government has committed that, from December 2025, you will need a registered player card to use poker machines in all hotels, clubs and casinos anywhere in Tasmania.
The card as announced will have the following features:
In 2022-2023, Tasmanians lost $189.6 million gambling on poker machines, which was $11.5 million (6.4%) more than they lost the previous year. Gambling harm from poker machines is also increasing. In 2022-23, the number of people who contacted Gamblers Help increased by 33%. Four in five people who actively engaged with Gamblers Help and nominated a primary gambling activity mainly used poker machines. Our current approach to reducing gambling harm is not working.
In June 2023, there were 3317 poker machines in 95 venues across Tasmania. However poker machines are concentrated in disadvantaged communities where per capita losses are also the highest.
The West Coast, the most socioeconomically disadvantaged Local Government Area (LGA), has 141 poker machines per 10,000 people and average annual losses of $427 per capita. In contrast Hobart, the most socioeconomically advantaged LGA, has only 24 poker machines per 10,000 people and average annual losses of $64 per capita.
Poker machines account for most gambling harm in Tasmania. The harm is so significant that it impacts everyone in the community, even though you may not be aware of it.
The financial harms from gambling affect all Tasmanians. When a person using a poker machine gambles money they don’t have, the money has to come from somewhere. The diagram below shows how everyone pays.
The poker machine card is targeted at preventing people gambling more than they can afford.
Download the report ‘The poker machine card. Simple as.’ at the bottom of this page for full details on the harms currently being experienced in the Tasmanian community from poker machine gambling.
Various forms of pre-commitment have been introduced in jurisdictions around Australia and internationally, providing evidence that a well-designed system can prevent and reduce harm from using poker machines.
We have information about what works and what doesn’t. There are four critical features that must be part of a card system if it is to be effective in preventing and reducing gambling harm.
This means the person using a poker machine must set a binding limit on the amount of money they have prepaid and can afford to lose before they start gambling.
A system that does not require all gamblers to use it is unlikely to be effective at reducing gambling harm.
Research shows if the system applies to only some venues there is little reduction in gambling harm.
For pre-commitment to be effective in limiting losses (and harm), it is important that each person is registered in the system only once so that the system has accurate information about their spending on all poker machines.
Drawing on the experiences of Anglicare Gamblers Help workers and clients, this report shows how the card will reduce the significant harm caused by poker machines.
‘The poker machine card. Simple As.’ looks at the government’s commitment to introduce a card-based system for poker machine gambling in Tasmania, how it will work, and the four critical features needed for the card to be effective.
It explains how this simple and reasonable measure will reduce harm from gambling and benefit all Tasmanians, including recreational users of poker machines.