Anglicare Tasmania

Anglicare is a not-for-profit organisation that provides aged care, acquired injury, housing and community support services across Tasmania.

We also do research and advocate for changes to improve the lives of Tasmanians, through the work of our Social Action and Research Centre.

Our passionate team is committed to demonstrating the organisational values of Hope, Compassion, Justice and Respect.

We strive to achieve social justice and provide the opportunity for people in need to reach fullness in life.

Learn more about Anglicare

Anglicare Tasmania's Social Action and Research Centre (SARC)

Blue box with the capitlaised words social action and research centre in white.

The Social Action and Research Centre (SARC) carries out research and advocates for changes to improve the lives of Tasmanians.

SARC researchers use qualitative research centring on the lived experience of Tasmanians and quantitative research to demonstrate social trends.  Our research is grounded in the frontline experience of our aged care, acquired injury and community support services.

The results are freely shared with decision-makers including government.

Learn more about SARC

Anglicare Tasmania offices


North West

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Illustration of a hand holding a card with the words Simple as written on it.

Research shows pre-commitment technology works

A pre-commitment system for poker machine gambling is an effective public health measure – and these benefits are on their way to Tasmania. New research from Finland adds to the growing body of evidence that it works. Read full story

On the front line of disaster recovery

Anglicare’s financial counselling team members are prepared for helping communities recover from natural disasters. Read full story
Four young Tasmanians enrolled in the Youth 2 Independence program stand in front of a sign that says 'Home'.

Hope for the future

Youth2Independence facilities provide young people with a safe and caring home – and hope for a rewarding future. Read full story