Finding her way
March 26, 2024Last December, 18-year-old Mahalia was the first young person to move into Tasmania’s newest Youth2Independence (Y2I) facility in Hobart’s CBD. She’s settled in well at her new home and is balancing full-time work with University study.
The red mesh-clad building in Campbell Street brings the number of Y2I facilities managed by Anglicare to four. It’s been deliberately located next to TasTAFE to give students easy access to courses there, including the compulsory Certificate 1 in Developing Independence. It’s almost a full house, with 21 young people moved in and exploring their options for work and study with the support of Anglicare staff.
“Moving in on 27 December made Christmas very hectic but it was perfect timing as my current lease was running out soon after,” recalls Mahalia. “It was a bit strange at first because I was here on my own for nearly a month, but the staff were really welcoming and made sure I had everything I needed, right from the start when [Youth Development Coach] Dani helped me unpack my car. They are always genuinely interested in how I’m going and check in with me each day.”
Mahalia is in her first year of studying Paramedicine at the University of Tasmania’s medical school, a one-minute walk away on the same street as her home. While there were no subject pre-requisites for the two-year, ‘fast track’ course, she is glad she did maths and science subjects at college level.
“I did Biology, Maths Methods 4 and Chemistry and reached the required ATAR. I’m really glad I did these subjects as they’ve been really beneficial in helping me understand the terminology in my degree,” she said.
Advantaged Thinking
While Mahalia has a clear vision for her future, other young people who are living and studying with Anglicare may need additional tailored supports, says Anglicare’s Manager Youth2Independence Rebekka Gale.
“The young people accepted into the Y2I program have either been homeless, or at risk of homelessness, and some may have experienced trauma,” she explains. “Like any young person, they are still learning about themselves and what they want out of life. It’s our role to guide and support them so that they recognise and understand their strengths and where they could lead them. This strength-based approach is known as ‘Advantaged Thinking’.
It encourages each young person to identify their talents and harness them so that they become independent and successful adults who thrive in and contribute to their local communities.
Daniela Schurink-Moeller is a member of the Youth Development coaching team located at Campbell Street Y2I.
“Our coaching team works with the students individually and sometimes in groups, to help them to form and build their visions for their futures,” she said.
We encourage them to experiment and try new things and to understand that making mistakes and learning from them is part of their journey. We encourage them to focus on possibilities rather than obstacles, and to open themselves up to opportunities to live the life they would like to pursue.
A balancing act
Mahalia is balancing full-time study with her work as an outside-school-hours educator at a nearby child care centre: “The children are lovely and I love them. Managing my time is a challenge, but I love my job and my degree.”
There are limited employment options for paramedics in Tasmania, so she is open to moving further afield to kick-start her career.
“The UTAS course has an international reputation, and there are links with employers in British Columbia, Vanuatu and the United States,” she explained.
I can see myself going overseas and getting some life experience – but I think Tasmania will always be my home, and I will eventually find my way back.
More information:
The Youth2Independence program is supported by Homes Tasmania. It is based on the Education First Youth Foyer model developed by the Foyer Foundation.