In the spirit of improvement
January 21, 2025
Constructive feedback from clients and their families helps Anglicare to keep improving the services it provides to older Tasmanians.
“We encourage clients to understand their rights and to share their ideas about how we can improve their service,” said General Manager Aged Care Services Ellen Nicholson.
“Sometimes clients are reluctant to make a complaint, so our goal is to ensure they feel safe and supported to do so,” she said. “We accept the feedback they give us in this spirit, and use it as a learning opportunity for our team members.”
Ellen said Anglicare has a strong, client-focused complaints handling process.
“We feel well-prepared to meet our obligations under the new Aged Care Quality Standards when they come into effect on 1 July this year,” she said.
What are the Aged Care Quality Standards?
The Australian Government has strengthened the Aged Care Quality Standards as part of the new Aged Care Act.
These standards define what good care looks like:
Standard 1: Consumer dignity and choice
Standard 2: Ongoing assessment and planning with consumers
Standard 3: Personal care and clinical care
Standard 4: Services and supports for daily living
Standard 5: Organisation’s service environment
Standard 6: Feedback and complaints
Standard 7: Human resources
Standard 8: Organisational governance.
If you are an older person, family member or carer, find more information on the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission website.
Client story: Susan
Client *Susan contacted Anglicare to provide feedback on the domestic assistance she was receiving from Home Care Worker, *Sophie. She described Sophie as “lovely” but felt that she wasn’t putting sufficient effort into her tasks.
Anglicare apologised to Susan and undertook to investigate.
Sophie explained that Susan’s needs had increased recently and she had to rush to perform the additional tasks that were required.
The complaint was escalated to Anglicare’s Clinical Care team. The team spoke with Susan about her needs and it was agreed that Sophie did in fact need more time to complete her tasks.
Susan’s care plan was updated and she indicated she would be happy if Sophie continued to provide her with support.
The Clinical Care team encouraged Susan and Sophie to communicate with each other if they had any further concerns. They both felt listened to, valued and respected.
Sophie said: “It’s really good having that extra time. It makes a real difference. I am able to get a lot done and my client is very pleased – thank you.”
*We have changed names to protect individuals’ privacy.
Anglicare’s Aged Care Services
Click here for more information on the services we provide. You are warmly invited to speak with a member of our Aged Care Team by telephoning 1800 466 300. This is a free call.
If you have recently been given a Home Care Package and you are looking for a service provider, our team can explain how we will assist you to transition to the new Support at Home program that will come into effect on 1 July 2025.
We have opportunities for experienced professionals to join our team. We are also offering Home Care Worker traineeships that allow people to study and work at the same time.