
Gamblers Help Service

Anglicare Tasmania’s free gamblers help service provides support to Tasmanians experiencing gambling harm.

If gambling has become a problem for you or your family, you are not alone. Anglicare’s Free Gamblers Help service is here to support you. Our professional counsellors can help you to set and achieve your goals.

If you’d like a ‘self-exclusion order’ that bars you from gambling areas in Tasmania, we can arrange that. We can provide support and encouragement, too. If you are a community member in an area that has a gambling issue, we can arrange an educational workshop.

Call us on 1800 243 232

About the Gamblers Help Service

The Gamblers Help counselling service is a free, confidential service for people affected by gambling.

Our counsellors support people to reduce the harm of gambling through:

  • Professional counselling
  • Support groups
  • Financial counselling
  • Arranging a self-exclusion order on your behalf.
Download Gamblers Help Brochure

Speak to one of our counsellors

To find out more or to speak to one of our counsellors, please call Gambler’s Help on 1800 243 232

This service is provided by Anglicare out of our Hobart, Launceston, Devonport and Burnie offices with outreach into the community.

Financial Counselling

Gambling most often is linked to financial problems.  Anglicare also provides a free Financial Counselling service which most of our Gamblers Help clients are able to access also. So if you are in the North make sure to contact us to book a Financial Counselling Service.

What's Next?


Call us

You, a family member or a loved one can call our customer care number to speak to a Gamblers Help counsellor on 1800 243 232.

For support during out of office hours, you can call the National Gamblers Help Hotline at 1800 858 858.


Email us

You can also email us directly at


Meet with you

A Gamblers Help counsellor will meet with you to speak to you about what your goals are.

They will then work with you to develop a plan to achieve them.

This meeting can be in person or on an online video call.

SMART Recovery Groups

Anglicare runs face-to-face and online SMART (Self-Management and Recovery Training) Recovery groups which offer a supportive environment for people to achieve their goals to change problem behaviours related to gambling, alcohol, drugs and hoarding.

Guided by trained peers and professionals, participants come to help themselves and each other using a variety of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) and motivational tools and techniques.

We also run a SMART Recovery Family and Friends program to support people that are supporting someone struggling with a problem behaviour.


More about SMART Recovery

Anglicare cares about people whose lives are being affected by gambling harm.

If you are a friend or family member who is supporting someone experiencing gambling harm, our family resource booklet can:

  • Provide tips for having healthy conversations
  • Identify the warning signs that someone may be experiencing gambling harm
  • Help you understand the 6 stages of change
  • Provide steps to taking care of yourself
  • Provide contacts to supports and services in your local area.

You can also call us on 1800 243 232 to speak with one of our counsellors.

Download our Family Resource Booklet

Have you heard about BetStop?

BetStop – the National Self-Exclusion Register, is a safe and free Australian Government initiative to block yourself from all licenced Australian online and phone gambling providers.

Visit the website for more information – www.betstop.gov.au

BET STOP the National Self-exclusion register

Latest Stories

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media release

From gold standard to second-best

The most effective option for reducing harm from poker machines has been denied to Tasmanians, following a Government decision to defer introduction of the universal pre-commitment card system. Read full story
A line drawing representing a poker machine with a pair of hands holding an open book with the title page "Stories of Recovery".

Gambling harm in the spotlight

Gambling harm in widespread in our State – and it’s showing no signs of reducing. September is Gamble Aware Month. From next week our focus will move to stories of recovery, including through a theatrical performance at the Moonah Arts Centre on Friday 20 September. Read full story

Take back control

September is Gamble Aware Month. Anglicare launches a new gambling harm awareness campaign that encourages people to reach out to the Gamblers Help service and take back control of their life. We also share insights into the wide-reaching impact of gambling harm and personal stories of recovery. Read full story


Gamblers Help is funded by the Tasmanian Government through the Department of Premier and Cabinet. Visit the Department of Premier and Cabinet for more information.

supported by Tasmanian government

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Or, phone us on

1800 243 232