
SMART Recovery Program

Come with a purpose, leave with a plan.

Self-Management and Recovery Training (SMART) is a group program offering a supportive environment for people to achieve their goals to change problem behaviours related to alcohol, drug use, gambling, hoarding or other behaviours of concern.

Guided by trained peers and professionals, participants come to help themselves and help each other using a variety of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and motivational tools and techniques.

We also run a SMART Recovery Family and Friends Program to support people who are supporting someone struggling with a problem behaviour.

More About SMART Recovery Groups


Why choose SMART?

  • Set weekly goals that work for you
  • No stigma, labels or judgement
  • Learn practical self-help tools
  • Attend when you need to.

What to expect

  • Weekly 90-minute meetings run by a trained facilitator.
  • Check-in – a discussion of how your previous week went.
  • The focus of each session will be on the addictive behaviour, not the substance itself.
  • Goal setting – you will be guided to set your own achievable plan for the week ahead.

Meeting guidelines

  • Respect
  • Confidentiality
  • One person talking at a time
  • Non judgmental
  • No ‘drug talk’
  • Mobile phone off
  • No intoxication
  • Remain in room for the duration of the meeting
  • No children allowed.

SMART Recovery is a 4-Point Program

SMART Recovery is based on a 4-Point Program:

  1. Build motivation
  2. Cope with urges
  3. Problem solving
  4. Lifestyle balance

Some of the tools and techniques SMART Recovery uses to help you manage your own addictive behaviours include:

  • Identifying the pros and cons of the behaviour
  • Identifying the triggers, beliefs and consequences
  • Managing cravings and urges
  • Learning how to set goals
  • Identifying areas of importance.

Free Gamblers Help Service

Anglicare Tasmania has a free Gamblers Help service that provides support to Tasmanians experiencing gambling harm.

Our professional counsellors can help you to set and achieve your goals.  If you’d like a self-exclusion order’ that bars you from gambling areas in Tasmania, they can arrange it for you.


More about Gamblers Help Service