Anglicare Tasmania

Anglicare is a not-for-profit organisation that provides aged care, gamblers help, financial counselling, acquired injury, housing and other community support services across Tasmania.

We also do research and advocate for changes to improve the lives of Tasmanians, through the work of our Social Action and Research Centre.

Our passionate team is committed to demonstrating the organisational values of Hope, Compassion, Justice and Respect.

We strive to achieve social justice and provide the opportunity for people in need to reach fullness in life.

Learn more about Anglicare

Gamble Aware Month September 2024

Throughout September 2024 we will be highlighting the nature of gambling, the effect it can have on a person and those around them and making the community aware of the help that is available to them.

Each week has a different theme. The first weeks theme is ‘Take back control’.

READ MORE ABOUT GAMBLE AWARE MONTH Read more about Week 3 Stories of recovery

Anglicare Tasmania's Social Action and Research Centre (SARC)

Blue box with the capitlaised words social action and research centre in white.

The Social Action and Research Centre (SARC) carries out research and advocates for changes to improve the lives of Tasmanians.

SARC researchers use qualitative research centring on the lived experience of Tasmanians and quantitative research to demonstrate social trends.  Our research is grounded in the frontline experience of our aged care, acquired injury and community support services.

The results are freely shared with decision-makers including government.

Learn more about SARC

Anglicare Tasmania offices


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A line drawing representing a poker machine with a pair of hands holding an open book with the title page "Stories of Recovery".

Gambling harm in the spotlight

Gambling harm in widespread in our State – and it’s showing no signs of reducing. September is Gamble Aware Month. From next week our focus will move to stories of recovery, including through a theatrical performance at the Moonah Arts Centre on Friday 20 September. Read full story
A group of people with their arms around each other as if they are supporting each other.

Anglicare programs support the supporters

Are you affected by someone else’s use of alcohol and/or other drugs? Anglicare offers a range of programs in the North and North West that can support you. Read full story

Memorial garden shows that ‘Together we can’

A garden in Glenorchy created to remember lives lost due to overdose is transformed in time for International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD). Read full story