
Beat the Bet

There are some great tools available to help you to understand how sports betting works and connect you with support.

When does sports betting start to cause harm?

Are you spending more time watching the odds than the action? It might be time to get back to the real game and ask yourself these questions.

Are you:

  • spending more money or time on betting than you’d planned?
  • betting more than you can afford?
  • chasing losses or needing to bet more to get the same feeling?
  • borrowing money or selling things to get money to bet?
  • neglecting other areas of life such as relationships or work?
  • having health problems caused by betting including stress or anxiety?
  • having financial problems caused by betting (e.g., not being able to pay bills)?
  • feeling like gambling has taken over or feeling guilty about betting?*.


*70% of young men who participate in sports betting experience harm from their gambling.

(Jenkinson, de Lacy‑Vawdon, & Carrol, 2018)

What can you do if you think you (or someone you know) might be experiencing harm from sports betting?

You are not alone. There is information, guidance and support available to you.

Visit our Gambling Support page for:

  • Tools to measure spend and risk
  • Facts and figures on gambling harm
  • Know your odds calculator
  • Downloadable Family Resource Booklet
  • Free Gamblers Help service information.


Speak to a Gamblers Help* Counsellor

Talk to a Gamblers Help counsellor on 1800 243 232 or visit our Gamblers Help Service page.

For support during out of office hours, call 1800 858 858.

*Gamblers Help is supported by the Crown through the Tasmanian Government Department of Premier and Cabinet.


Gamblers Help Service

Use Reset

Reset is a free and confidential app that will help you better understand your gambling.

Whether you want to quit or cut back on gambling, Reset is support in your pocket that’s there and ready when you are, every step of the way.

How it works

Reset helps you become more aware of your gambling.  When you start to understand it, you can reduce the amount that you gamble or even quit completely – it’s up to you!

Reset app logo

Take the 100 Day Challenge

The 100 Day Challenge is a flexible program designed with the help of professionals to give you the support you need. And it’s all done anonymously.

Whether you want to simply cut back on your gambling, take a break or stop permanently, the 100 Day Challenge can work for you. You can set individual goals, get support and advice, discover new activities or chat to others who are also up for the challenge.

You can join online or use their app on your phone.

100 Day Challenge


Beat the Bet is funded by the Tasmanian Government through the Department of Premier and Cabinet.  Visit the Department of Premier and Cabinet for more information.

Supported by Tasmanian Government

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1800 243 232