
Treasured Lives

We want Tasmanians who live with hoarding or have challenges maintaining a healthy home to have access to effective support so they can age well at home.

This research project looked into the experiences and needs of Tasmanian families, carers, and service providers who support older people living with hoarding or challenges maintaining a healthy home.


So what do we mean by…?

Hoarding is a recognised psychiatric disorder involving challenges with acquiring, sorting and/or discarding items or animals. It may lead to living spaces being unsafe and difficult to use for their intended purposes, such as sleeping, cooking and bathing.  People with such challenges hold significant attachment to items, which makes discarding difficult.  It can also lead to people being socially isolated.

Challenges maintaining a healthy home describes an unsanitary environment that has arisen from extreme or prolonged neglect and poses health and safety risks to the people and/or animals living there, as well as others within the community. It could be because there is an accumulation of rubbish, decomposing food, grime, dust or mould. This can lead to health challenges for those who live there.

‘Older Tasmanians’ in Treasured Lives are people aged over 50, or 45 if they are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.

Interview with Lindsey Fidler

In this video we speak with Social Researcher, Lindsey Fidler about the Treasured Lives project.

We discuss:

  • the need for this research
  • the risks to older people
  • how Tasmania can tackle such a complex issue.

Research findings

  • Background

    It is estimated that 2.5% of the adult population live with hoarding. This means about 5,000 older Tasmanians might have hoarding behaviour.

    It is estimated that one household with hoarding could cost the government over $56,000 in emergency care and legal matters. If that household is given effective specialist supports, the cost falls significantly.

    This means the Tasmanian government could be spending over $200m on older Tasmanians living with hoarding or CMHH.  If resources were spent on effective specialist supports, we estimate the cost would fall to under $800,000 per year, with additional supports through Primary Health Tasmania.

    Treasured Lives has looked at what Tasmania needs to deliver effective support for these households. The first phase of the project looked at the experiences and needs of families and carers. The second phase has looked at how services currently try to provide support and deal with problems. Together they provide Tasmania’s first in-depth insights into hoarding and CMHH.

  • Phase 1 Families and carers

    In the first part of Treasured Lives, we talked to the families and carers of older Tasmanians who have challenges with hoarding or maintaining a healthy home.

    The report focuses on what we know about people who live with this issue and the experiences of their families and carers. It examines how to help families and carers and what’s being done interstate and internationally.

    Full Report Summary Report Presentation Slides
  • Phase 2 Policy and services

    This part of the research explored what Tasmanian services need to help older people who have challenges with hoarding or maintaining a healthy home.

    It looked at aged care and disability support, and other services like housing and mental health. It also explored the role of statutory agencies such as emergency services, local government environmental health and animal welfare organisations.

    Staff working in these areas were interviewed to ask what it’s like for them. They reported that they had nowhere to refer their clients to and were sometimes unable to work with them due to workplace health and safety issues. These are some of the most vulnerable older Tasmanians, but there is no safety net to help them age well.

    The report also looked at policy, programs and practice in other parts of Australia and internationally that support people living with this issue, particularly older people.

    Full Report Full Report (Word) Summary report Summary report (Word)
  • What does Tasmania need?

    We recommend the Tasmanian Government and Primary Health Tasmania invest in:

    1. a policy and a practice framework, developed and implemented by a designated lead state government agency
    2. a positive community education campaign
    3. regional Tasmanian collaboration and services which include:
      • multidisciplinary professional networks for local case management and support
      • specialist case management
      • specialist clinical, psychosocial, practical and peer supports for older people
      • specialist clinical, psychosocial, practical and peer supports for families and carers
      • a partnership response to critical incidents that leads to positive supports
      • services of last resort that can minimise client and environmental harm to levels within the risk tolerances of mainstream services
      • a workforce development plan
    4. a digital hoarding and CMHH information hub.
    5. testing the service design with older Tasmanians living with hoarding or CMHH.

    To do this, we estimate that the Tasmanian government needs to invest about $3.3m over 5 years from 2022-23 to 2025-26. As well, Primary Health Tasmania would need to invest about $4.5m over the same period.

    This investment would provide intensive supports for up to 90 people a year. It would also allow mainstream services to improve and expand their response to this group.

    This would be a significant saving for the government and give Tasmanians living with hoarding or CMHH access to effective supports that enable them to age well at home by 2025.

    Tasmanian State Budget Submission



  • Past events

    Regional Workshops

    Anglicare Tasmania held Treasured Lives Workshops across Tasmania in February 2022 to bring together professionals interested in supporting Tasmanians living with hoarding or challenges maintaining a healthy home.

    These workshops aimed to:

    • build knowledge about hoarding behaviour, the challenges for clients and how to support them
    • build regional networks by bringing together professionals to encourage case management and partnership working
    • facilitate change by identifying regional needs that might help services work together to support families.
    Download Treasure Lives Workshop Presentation


    Hear talks from Lindsey and guest speakers Siobhan Marriott (artist and member of a family living with hoarding), Lesley King (Tasmania Fire Service) and Rick Fulton (Housing Tasmania).


    Webinar – Treasured Lives: Tasmanian Carers Supporting Hoarding

    Facilitated by TasCOSS CEO Adrienne Picone, this webinar explored hoarding and what’s needed to ensure we can support older Tasmanians living with these challenges to age well at home. Participants had the first opportunity to hear our lead Researcher, Lindsey Fidler, share insights from Treasured Lives. It also included families and carers supporting older people living with hoarding or challenges maintaining a healthy home. Mental Health Families and Friends CEO Maxine Griffiths and Carers Tasmania’s Executive Policy Officer Dr Christine Materia also spoke.


    Precious Excess: Compulsive acquisition

    11th February to 26th February 2022, Moonah Arts Centre, Tasmania

    This group show brought together five artists from across Australia, the USA and the UK, responding to themes of acquiring and discarding, as witnessed through the caring of family members with hoarding behaviours. While building on compassionate mental health and peer support connections, these works explore the consumerist influences of capitalism and trauma behind amassing material belongings.

    See the artists’ work via Instagram @precious.excess

    Read Lindsey’s introduction to the exhibition below:

    Precious Excess Introduction by Lindsey Fidler (PDF) Precious Excess Introduction by Lindsey Fidler (Word)

Tools and links

This is a selected list of resources that may be useful for those living with hoarding and/or maintaining a healthy home (CMHH), their families and carers, and those working with these two groups.

  • Digital resources

    Name Target group Run by Description
    r/hoarding People living with hoarding; Families and carers; Service providers Hosted by large social media platform Reddit, run by volunteer moderators. 34,000 registered members. Public discussion forum offering advice and support. Has a wiki with comprehensive info and resources.
    International OCD Foundation People living with hoarding; Families and carers; Service providers Non-profit promoting awareness and providing resources and support for people affected by Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and associated conditions. Website with information and resource directory.
    Maroondah Hoarding

    and Squalor Network

    People living with hoarding; Families and carers; Service providers Forum for agencies and community groups in the City of Maroondah, Victoria, Australia. Excellent introductory articles. Comprehensive resource guide for Maroondah locals and others
    Hoarding Disorders UK People living with hoarding; Families and carers; Service providers Hoarding Disorders UK Resources and information for people affected by hoarding.
    Children of Hoarders Families and carers Volunteer grassroots U.S. non-profit Biggest and best known online support for family members of hoarders. Resources, information and support.


  • Audio visual resources

    Name Target group Author Description
    Hoarding Disorder playlist People living with hoarding

    Families and carers

    Service providers

    International OCD Foundation A Youtube playlist of short (2-3 minute) videos explaining hoarding disorder.
    Clutter Chronicles People living with hoarding

    Families and carers

    Service providers

    Lori Koppelman Free podcast. An ongoing conversation with Mary, who calls herself a recovering hoarder.
    The Hoarding Solution


    People living with hoarding

    Families and carers

    Service providers

    Tammi Moses Free podcast. An exploration of how the community can approach this issue with compassion, kindness & awareness.
    Helping hoarders let go People living with hoarding

    Families and carers

    Service providers

    ABC Radio Archived radio broadcast. An interview with Jessica Grisham, a clinical and research psychologist at the University of NSW.
    The psychology of hoarding People living with hoarding

    Families and carers

    Service providers

    ABC Radio Archived radio broadcast. Interviews with Professor Randy Frost (co-author of Buried in Treasures), a support worker, and two people who hoard.
    Overcome Compulsive Hoarding People living with hoarding

    Families and carers

    Service providers

    @ThatHoarder Free podcast. Tips, advice, experiences and interviews from a compulsive hoarder who is trying desperately to change.
    The Hoardganize Podcast People living with hoarding

    Families and carers

    Service providers

    Rachel Seavey Free podcast. A professional organiser offers tips and shares her experience.
  • Books

    Title Target group Author Description
    Buried in Treasures People living with hoarding

    Families and carers

    Service providers

    David Tolin, Randy Frost and Gail Steketee Self-help treatment program
    Stuff: Compulsive hoarding and the meaning of things People living with hoarding

    Families and carers

    Service providers

    Randy Frost and Gail Steketee Case studies and exploration of the psychology of hoarding
    Digging Out: Helping your loved one manage clutter, hoarding and compulsive acquiring


    Families and carers Michael Tompkins and Tamara Hartl Practical advice focusing on harm reduction and salvaging relationships
    Children of Hoarders: How to minimize conflict, reduce the clutter, and improve your relationship


    Families and carers Fugen Neziroglu and Katharine Donnelly Aimed at helping adult children of hoarders manage their own emotions. Uses Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, mindfulness etc.
    Understanding hoarding: Reclaim your space and your life


    People living with hoarding Jo Cooke An explanation of what hoarding is and an 8-step plan with practical steps to tackle the problem
    Overcoming hoarding: A self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques


    People living with hoarding Satwant Singh, Margaret Hooper and Colin Jones Offers support, guidance and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy activities to help overcome hoarding
    Reclaim your life from hoarding


    People living with hoarding Eileen Dacey Workbook with case studies, self-care strategies and an action plan
    Dirty Secret: A daughter comes clean about her mother’s compulsive hoarding People living with hoarding

    Families and carers

    Service providers

    Jessie Scholl Memoir by the daughter of a parent living with hoarding behaviour
    Coming Clean People living with hoarding

    Families and carers

    Service providers

    Kimberley Rae Miller Memoir by the daughter of a parent living with hoarding behaviour
    White Walls: A memoir about motherhood, daughterhood and the mess in between People living with hoarding

    Families and carers

    Service providers

    Judy Batalion Memoir by the daughter of a parent living with hoarding behaviour
    Lessons in letting go: Confessions of a hoarder People living with hoarding

    Families and carers

    Service providers

    Corinne Grant Memoir by an Australian living with hoarding behaviour
    Mess: One man’s struggle to clean up his house and his act People living with hoarding

    Families and carers

    Service providers

    Barry Yourgrau Memoir and exploration of hoarding by a person living with hoarding behaviour


  • Training

    Hoarding Home Solutions for Support Professionals Service providers Hoarding Home Solutions Online. 12 x 1-hour sessions. Workbooks, video lessons, resources and tools. Fee to be paid.
    Hoarding Home Solutions for Family & Friends Families and carers Hoarding Home Solutions Online. 12 x 1-hour sessions. Workbooks, video lessons, resources and tools. Fee to be paid.
    How to help someone who hoards Families and carers

    Service providers

    Hoarding Home Solutions Free online. 40 minute video.
  • Support groups

    Buried in Treasures Hoarding Support Program People living with hoarding Online CatholicCare Free 15-week group program for people aged 65+ (50+ if Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander). Follows the
    Hoarding and clutter support group People living with hoarding Zoom ARC Victoria Peer-led mutual self-help support group. Free.
    Hoarding/Cluttering Support Group People living with hoarding Private Facebook group Volunteer members Emotional, educational and psychological support, and a resource for understanding hoarding and cluttering
    The Clutter Movement Individual Support People living with hoarding Private Facebook group Unknown ‘A dedicated community working together to better understand, better support, and better resolve issues with clutter. Through the sharing of knowledge, experience, and ideas, we strive to affect sustainable change in ourselves and in each other.’
    Adult Children of Hoarders Families and carers Private Facebook group Volunteer members ‘A place to get support, share experiences and feelings, and sometimes laugh at the absurdity of it all – without judgment’
    Family and Friends of Hoarders Support Group Families and carers Private Facebook group Volunteer members ‘A safe place to be able to let out the frustration of living with a hoarder.’
    MYCOHP (Minor and Youth Children of Hoarding Parents) Families and carers Groups.io Volunteers ‘A safe, understanding, peer support group for minors and youth living in hoards.’
    Children of Hoarders Families and carers Groups.io Volunteer members ‘Join us for support, information sharing, and understanding… a community of people who grew up the same way or have similar adult experiences and can relate’
    r/hoarding People living with hoarding

    Families and carers

    Service providers

    Reddit Volunteer members Public discussion forum offering advice and support. People post questions, rants/venting, and personal progress.
    r/ChildofHoarder Families and carers Reddit Volunteers Public discussion forum offering advice and support. People share stories, ask questions and vent their frustration.
    Hoarding/Cluttering Support Group People living with hoarding

    Families and carers

    Service providers

    Private Facebook group Volunteer members ‘tools, education and information – in addition to support for everyone impacted by Hoarding – and that includes loved ones, social workers, therapists, organizers, and clean-up crews’
    Arafmi Carer Support Group

    (not hoarding specific)

    Families and carers Zoom Arafmi For family and carers of people with mental illness.
  • Australian professional support services

    Name Target group Location Service About
    Fiona Mason,

    Ace of Space,

    0437 772 097

    People living with hoarding Hobart Professional organiser Works with people wanting to declutter or downsize, and also works with NDIS and MyAgedCare participants. Has training in hoarding.
    Dr Bethany Lusk,

    Archer Street Health,

    0361 242 222

    People living with hoarding Hobart Clinical psychologist Has an interest in working with clients experiencing hoarding problems and has completed training
    Dr Jan Eppingstall,


    People living with hoarding Melbourne Psychologist Hoarding specialist offering therapy over Zoom as well as in-person
    Julie Jensen,

    Changes in Between,

    0411 241 005

    People living with hoarding Melbourne Counsellor Primarily a grief counsellor with training and interest in hoarding. Offers phone and Zoom therapy as well as in person
    George Turnure,


    0413 674 328

    People living with hoarding Sydney Clinical Psychologist Works frequently with hoarding and offers multiple telehealth options
    Catherine Madigan,

    Anxiety Treatment Australia,

    0429 883 671

    People living with hoarding Melbourne Clinical Psychologist Specialises in anxiety disorders and treats hoarding. Offers online and phone counselling.
  • Download these lists as a PDF or Word docx